Will o’ the Wisp Painting

This painting started life as a Rhode Montijo “Draw This In Your Style” challenge for #FantasmicalFridays back in September, but I didn’t have time to finish it. Today I picked back up with it, dropped the “Draw This In Your Style” part and just painted until it felt finished. I’m calling it “Will o’ the Wisp”.Will-o-the-Wisp---Fantasmical-Fridays-09-23-24

#FrightFall2024 Daily Drawing Challenge Day 17: FULL MOON

#FrightFall2024 from @retrosupply Daily Drawing Challenge Day 17: FULL MOON
I’ve missed the last couple of days of #FrightFall thanks to a head cold, but I wanted to do a few things with this piece. First, I didn’t plan this one out – just made it up as I went along. Second, I wanted to include an homage to the “hand clouds” around the moon from #Disney‘s “The Legend of #SleepyHollow“. And, finally, as this was largely inspired by classic #Halloween and #Horror #SoundEffects album art, I only used #gouache brushes in #procreate for anything that’s not black.
Fright-Fall 2024 Day 17 FULL MOON

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